American Pancakes

Because I want to travel and don’t know when I will

Juliana Pellicer Ruza
2 min readApr 24, 2021

It’s not the pandemic’s fault. I can’t travel right now, with a little baby and a lot of bills to pay. To be honest, I’m not sure when I’ll go abroad again. I want to take my son to fun places like Disney so I need to save money for this, because the currency of my country is not valuable in comparison with dollar.

Still, when I see people from out of my country or their food it makes me want to be there as if by magic.

American pancakes make me feel “travelsick”. I want them with strawberries, whipped cream and maple syrup. I want American coffee even though it’s so different from ours. Once I got the recipe but it’s not the same thing. It tastes better with the local weather, local language being spoken around us, local songs and local every thing.

I wish I could live there. Traveling for some days make me feel like I do, and that’s why I think it’s so special.

I hope I can taste American pancakes soon.

What’s your travelsick food?

[Edit] I know the photo shows waffles, but I could only think of pancakes. Are their doughs the same?

